Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Coping with Parenting Burnout: A Guide to Reclaiming Your Well-being

Being a parent is a rewarding journey filled with love, joy, and growth. However, it can also feel all too consuming. There are moments of exhaustion and overwhelm that can lead to what experts call "parenting burnout." Parenting burnout happens when the demands of caring for children start to feel overwhelming. This leaves parents feeling drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. And today’s generation of parents are feeling the effects of parenting burnout, more than ever. Not only are we expected to do more for our children, but we also have less support than many generations before us. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of parenting information out there that leaves you always wondering if you are doing the right thing, and somehow it is always contradicted by yet another parenting article.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Personality Types More Prone to Burnout

Burnout affects people across all sorts of different professions and walks of life. There is no one who is really immune to it. And while external factors such as work environment and workload certainly play a role in burnout, personality traits also significantly contribute to an individual's susceptibility to burnout. In this blog post, we'll talk about some personality types that are most prone to burnout. We will also look into the underlying reasons why they may be at higher risk of burnout.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Journaling for Self-Care: 25 Prompts for Exploring Stress, Burnout, Anxiety, and Depression

Journaling can be a powerful tool for managing stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression. It is a great self-care tool to have in your pocket. It also offers a myriad of benefits for your mental health and well-being. Journaling provides a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This allows you to express yourself freely and without judgment. It can help you gain clarity on complex issues, process your emotions more effectively, and develop practical coping strategies to navigate life's challenges. By putting pen to paper, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. One that enhances your overall sense of resilience and inner peace.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Finding Balance: How to Cultivate a Better Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout

In today's fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance can feel like an elusive goal. Many of us find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from demanding careers to personal commitments. This leaves little time for self-care and relaxation. However, maintaining a balance between work and life is crucial for our mental and emotional well-being. Without it, we risk experiencing burnout, a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Parenting Burnout: When Supermom feels more like Super Stressed

Parenting is a tough gig. From changing diapers to chasing toddlers, it's a non-stop rollercoaster ride of joy, chaos, and sleepless nights. But what happens when the never-ending demands of parenting start to take their toll on your mental health? What happens when you lose the person you once were and have no time to find yourself? Welcome to the world of parenting burnout, where even Supermom can feel more like Super Stressed.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Self-Care 101: Understanding the Basics

Self care. Everyone talks about it, and yet, most of us don’t really get it; let alone practice it. Self-care is all about taking care of yourself—both mentally and physically. It's like giving yourself a little extra love and attention to help you feel happier and healthier. But with so much information out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That's why I’ve put together this beginner's guide to self-care. Let's dive in!

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Recovering from Burnout: Tips from a Burnout Therapist on Rebuilding Your Life

Today, I want to speak directly to those of you who have found yourselves at the intersection of exhaustion and transformation. Those of you who have hit the burnout bottom and are ready to build yourself back up, stronger than before. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve experienced the soul-crushing weight of burnout, the undeniable weight of trying to be and do all the things, and you’re searching for a way forward—a way to reclaim your life, your purpose, and your sense of meaning. First and foremost, I want you to know that you are not broken. You are not a failure.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Coping with Burnout: Strategies for Self-Care and Well-Being

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it's easy to lose ourselves amidst the endless demands and expectations placed upon us. We live in a culture that glorifies busyness and productivity, often at the expense of our own well-being. We pride ourselves on our ability to juggle countless roles and responsibilities. Often neglecting the one person who needs our care the most: ourselves. In my years as a mental health professional, one truth has become abundantly clear: self-care is not selfish. Self-care is the key to reclaiming our vitality and resilience in the face of burnout. It is essential for navigating the turbulent waters of life, especially with the help of Burnout Recovery in Philadelphia, PA.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Recognizing Symptoms of Burnout: Signs and Risk Factors

As a burnout therapist, I've seen firsthand how burnout can sneak up on us, wreaking havoc on our well-being if left unchecked. But here's the thing: recognizing burnout is the first step to overcoming it. That means, if you are reading this, you are well on your way to improvement. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let's talk about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of burnout. Remember If you need support, consider reaching out to JHB Therapy for personalized Burnout Recovery in Philadelphia, PA.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

How Being Outside Can Help Your Mental Health

One of my favorite ways to get in some good self care is to get outside. It’s something about the sun on my face and a fresh breeze around me, that really helps me feel grounded and centered. Oftentimes allowing me to snap out of a bad mood, or helping me recharge enough to handle my next task. It helps in so many different ways and with so many different things that it’s no wonder getting out in nature is a preferred way to get in some easy self care.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Avoiding the Problem, Doesn’t Solve the Problem

Sometimes in life, challenges and difficulties are inevitable. However, our response to these challenges often determines our mental well-being. It's a common human instinct to shy away from discomfort, and sometimes, we resort to avoidance as a coping mechanism. Below, we unravel the relationship between avoiding problems and their resolution, exploring how the path to healing often requires facing the discomfort head-on.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Unraveling the Career Anxiety of High-Achieving Women

In the pursuit of success, high-achieving women often find themselves caught in the intricate web of career anxiety. The drive for excellence that pushes them to the top can also become a source of overwhelming pressure and stress. In this blog post, we delve into the unique challenges faced by high-achieving women, exploring the roots of career anxiety and providing strategies to cultivate a healthier mindset and work-life balance.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Yes, You Probably Should Say “No” More

If you are reading this blog, chances are you have trouble telling people “no”. I get it, you want to be able to show up for people. You want to be able to do all the things. And in a perfect world, maybe you wouldn't have to say no. But in reality, you have other things on your plate, people (including yourself) to take care of, a to-do list a mile long, and a deadline around the corner. So yes, sometimes we need to be able to say no.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

The Struggle of Having Anxiety About your Anxiety

Living with anxiety is challenging, and for many, the struggle goes beyond the surface level. It's not just about dealing with anxious thoughts; it's about having anxiety about your anxiety. This complex emotional terrain can be overwhelming, leaving individuals feeling trapped in a cycle of worry and fear.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

How Adverse Childhood Experiences Shape Adult Mental Health

Childhood is often perceived as a time of innocence and joy, a period when the foundation for a person's future is laid. However, for some individuals, the echoes of a challenging past can cast long shadows over their adult lives. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) encompass a range of traumatic events that occur during childhood and can significantly impact mental health later in life.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Embracing Freedom: How Letting Go of Control Empowers You to Gain More Peace in your Life

In the intricate dance of life, the paradox of control unfolds. The instinct to control everything around you, often happens as a defense mechanism against uncertainty. The counterintuitive truth lies in the liberation found through letting go. In this mental health blog post, we explore the transformative power of letting go of control in order to actually feel more in control of your life. 

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

How To Stop Your Racing Thoughts

Racing thoughts can leave us feeling out of control and overworked when we just can’t seem to turn off our brains. Often this happens at night, just before bed, leaving us unable to get our much needed sleep. Replaying the day over and over, worrying about things we said or did, or should have said or not done.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

Is Imposter Syndrome Getting In The Way of Your Success?

Having imposter syndrome can leave people in a tough spot. Have you ever wondered if this has been your problem the whole time? Imposter Syndrome shows up in different ways, often taking the form of self-sabotage, chronic self-doubt, or an overwhelming fear of failure. This can also look like perfectionism, people pleasing, procrastination, and being stuck in a freeze response.

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Jackie Burwell Jackie Burwell

4 Things You Can Do NOW to Start Feeling Better.

What if I told you that you could feel better fast. No meds, no therapy, no big life changes. You may say you don’t believe me, or that there must be a catch. But really, these four things are things that anyone can do, even you. I am going to let you in on this secret that I tell just about all of my clients. Even if nothing else in your life changes, if you implement these four things, you will feel just a little bit better and more able to handle all the other crap you may be dealing with.

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