Reclaim Your Balance. Find Your True Self.

Jaclyn Burwell LCSW therapist near Philadelphia, PA, specializing in anxiety, stress management and confidence building.

Jaclyn H. Burwell, LCSW

My name is Jaclyn, and I help people stop worrying, and start believing in themselves.

My clients struggle as you do. Despite being smart, self aware, and seemingly having it all together, life is hard. When they first come in, they feel rundown, out of control, and overwhelmed. They feel like their minds never stop.

They want to feel more in control of their lives.

They find it hard to say no to their friends, family and coworkers. They would rather over extend themselves, than let down the people around them.

It has left them feeling angry, burned out and resentful.

They are very hard on themselves, often being their own worst critic. They often feel like they should know better or do better, never quite living up to their own expectations.

A woman sitting at a desk with her head resting on her head.

They aren’t the kind of person they want to be.

They feel like they’re failing as a friend, family member, or partner.

Before they came to see me, they felt frustrated that everyone around them seemed to have it together. They wondered why it was so hard for them to set boundaries and feel confident in their choices.

Even though they came off as having it all together, on the inside they felt like a mess.

They thought working hard and creating a good life would leave them feeling fulfilled, but instead they felt stuck and alone.

Like my clients, you deserve to feel in control of your life.

You deserve to feel happy, confident, and fulfilled by your life.

You have worked hard to get to where you are, and that is pretty awesome. I can help you with the rest.

Believing in yourself and improving your daily life is not out of your reach.

Relationships are Hard

Whether you are dating or in a committed relationship, you may find yourself really struggling to feel peaceful and authentic. Overthinking everything they or you said or did, wondering what it really means?

Avoiding tough conversations because you just don’t want the conflict, or are unsure how things will be received?

You may really just want to show up as your true self but are scared it may not be met with approval, and you will end up alone…again.

You can have better relationships. I can help.

A man with glasses smiling while holding two children.

Families are Complicated

Chances are you grew up in a slightly complicated family. I will let you in on a little secret…We all did.

It may seem like every other family is more normal than yours, but every family has their stuff.

Maybe it was even outright dysfunctional.

But now as an adult, things still don’t feel right. Why do those relationships still feel so hard?

Are lingering issues from your childhood keeping you from building the life you want?

You can create new dynamics, ones that give you confidence that you can get through the holidays and family gatherings without feeling angry, anxious, and resentful.

A woman leaning against a wall with her eyes closed.

Anxiety is the worst

Do you often feel like an anxious mess? Like the struggle around trying to be all things to all the people in your life is leaving you feeling burnt out and exhausted?

Does the constant worry and never ending thoughts, mixed with some low self-esteem, leave you feeling down about yourself and making you question why you can’t just feel like everyone else?

I know how you feel. We can work through these things together and create an inner calm in yourself that can help you start to feel relaxed and authentic.

If you want to confidently live the life you know you deserve, I’d love to help you get there.

Call now, you don’t have to suffer.
I can help.